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Listen with Mother (Songs from Sue's childhood)

Sue Nicholls

No-one in my family sang childhood songs to me, so the big musical moment in each day was 'Listen with Mother' which featured well-sung songs, delivered in BBC approved 'received pronunciation'. Interestingly these were pitched quite high, which my 5-year old voice could manage and I enjoyed singing along - how I wish that more of today's Early Years practitioners would recognise appropriate pitching of songs. Many favourites learnt on this programme to tunes to which I still adhere to, despite hearing numerous other variations. I particularly loved 'Boys and girls come out to play' ...with the line 'come with a whoop and come with a call and come with a goodwill or not at all!'

An edition of the long-running radio programme Listen with Mother from the BBC Home Service on 16 June 1965.

Sue Nicholls has published many Early Years and primary resource books: she runs workshops and CPD nationwide and leads modules for teacher trainees. Sue is also the programme director for the Trinity CME qualification at the Northampton University Centre.


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