Stream Playsongs Grand Sleepover
37 playsongs and rhymes performed by Playsongs People
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Playsongs Grand Sleepover ~ the book
Songs and rhymes for overnight grandparenting
Picture book with free streaming £7.99
This format: 32 page full colour picture book, containing 37 playsongs and rhymes. All the lyrics, all the pictures, all the play guidance. FREE AUDIO STREAMING HERE or on any major streaming platform
Picture book with CD and free streaming £9.99
This format: all of the above plus a physical CD as well as everything on stream. FREE AUDIO STREAMING HERE or on any major streaming platform
Here are 37 Grand Sleepover playsongs and rhymes ~ all tucked up in an overnight bag of brand new and grand old memories. A tender and funny collection to share with grandchildren on a visit. Grand new treats and golden oldies for laughter and play. Games; treasure troves; teatimes; bathtimes and bedtimes; lullabies and night songs; and a special section of screen times for those times apart. • 32pp of full colour pictures to share with your little one • all the words of all the 37 songs and rhymes • tips and tricks for getting the best interactive fun with them • performed by Playsongs People - over a million streams - including Sandra Kerr, Janet Russell, Kaye Umansky, Kevin Graal, and Debbie Sanders.