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  • Sheena

Here we go down the street...

Step out at a fine buggy-pushing pace as you share these songs together. The first one uses the bare bones of Here we go round the mulberry bush as its melody. It's great for quickly changing the scene as you wheel past a tree or a lamppost or red door, and so on. The second one works to the tune of 'Here we go Looby Loo' (Track 4 in Livelytime Playsongs).

Make up the words to match your own journey as you go along - it's easy to do because the destination of each verse becomes the start of the next. And when the going's got tough, as it often has done with a resisting toddler reluctant to go where you're wanting to go, it's a marvellous distraction!

Out of the gate and down the street, down the street, down the street, Out of the gate and down the street, down the street we go.

Down the street and up the hill, up the hill, up the hill, Down the street and up the hill, up the hill we go.

Up the hill and passed the blue car…

Passed the blue car and 'miaow' to the cat…

'Miaow' to the cat and into the park…

Into the park and up the slide…

I changed my own rule for the last verse of this next buggy song to the tune of Looby Loo, but that's the freedom of making it up as you go along. Babies and toddlers adore repetition and an older toddler will be joining in with the words and enjoying the pattern so repeat each verse for them so they can capture it and join in.

Here we go out the door, Here we go out the door, Out the door and down the street,

Down the street we go, Ho!

Here we go down the street, Here we go down the street, Down the street and into town, Into town we go, Ho!

Here we go into town, Here we go into town, Into town and into the shop, Into the shop we go, Ho!

Into the shop we go, Into the shop we go, Into the shop to buy some bread, To buy some bread we go, Ho!

Here we go home with the bread, Here we go home with the bread, Home with the bread to toast for tea, To toast for you and me, Hee!

(words to both songs: Playsongs Publications, tunes: traditional)


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