Who wouldn't want to eat their broccoli, when it can sing as well as this! This one's for my half-Italian grandchildren, who love their broccoli, and for their father, who despairs of us ever saying his Italian vowels in the right way and in the right place.
Tune: The Happy Wanderer, grand opera style, words by Playsongs Publications and broccoli lovers:
I love to go to Italy To eat my broccoli, And when I go, I always know, That it will laugh at me! Broccoli Broccole Broccolo Brocco-la-ha-ha-ha ha-ha-ha ha-hee Broccoli It always laughs at me!
Here's a reminder of the tune, which will be very familiar to people of my generation. It was repeatedly played on the Home Service radio broadcasts and ~ as I remember ~ mercilessly parodied.