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"A complete guide to playing with babies and young children" ~ Under Five Magazine

Interactive Play with Playsongs Books and Audio for Babies and Toddlers

You can play with your baby from birth with our interactive playsongs and rhymes. Peekaboo, fingerplays, knee-bouncers, lullabies ~ we've got them all.


Fuel the energy of a child-minding day ~ changing a nappy, getting out and about, teatime fun, splashing in the bath. What a day! Time to get to sleep with a crooning lullaby.

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This week's playsong is from Bagpuss

Bagpuss has teamed up with Playsongs to make all his songs available to download in a booklet for each episode. The first episode download is free. Try it out here. All the others are coming soon.

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Peekaboo game

Peekaboo game
from the Playsongs collection

Peekaboo games are universal, because babies love them. They're important for baby in developing a sense of object permanence - they can't see you, but you are there. All our collections include peekaboo games. This one's from Playsongs.


Knee bouncer ~ Three Little
Monkeys from the Livelytime Playsongs collection

Knee bouncers support the sense of moving in time, but they're also just great little parcels of joy. All our collections include knee bouncers. This one's from Livelytime Playsongs.

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Dressing Song ~ All by yourself
from the Playsongs Grand Day Out collection

Zips, buttons, which way up, which way round ~ all those problems for a little toddler to master, just to get a coat on. We've got songs and rhymes to help with getting dressed. Here's an encouraging one from Playsongs Grand Day Out.

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Dance ~ Five Little Owls
from the Five Little Owls collection

Dancing with a babe-in-arms, or hand in hand with a just-standing toddler is one of the great joys of playing together. Our collections are full of dance opportunities and this one comes from Five Little Owls, our counting song collection.

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Fingerplay ~ Mousie Brown
from the Playsongs Grand Exercise collection

The dexterity to manage a fingerplay develops slowly, but you can caress baby's fingers, and tap your toddlers fingertips to support them as they learn how to work their fingers independently. Our collections all have fingerplays. Some are so simple; others have hand actions like this one from Playsongs Grand Exercise.  

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Leg Walker ~ One Two Three a-Leary from the Five Little Frogs collection

Walking a baby or toddler's feet for them as they sit on your knee, supports their developing body awareness. Our leg walkers often have a lift into the air at the end for added fun, like this one from Five Little Frogs.

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Croon ~ The Mailboat
from the Sleepytime Playsongs collection

Croons are a simple, repetitive sing-song type of lullaby. They have a calming effect on a little baby. They also have a calming effect on the parent or carer so they're mutually benefitial, particularly on those wakeful nights. All our collections of songs and rhymes include croons like this from Sleepytime Playsongs.

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